BURST Events
BURST partners with SUCCESS to inform students about research and career opportunities!
Nov 7, 2013: BURST and SUCCESS sponsored the Fall Meet & Greet event, where 50 undergraduates heard presentations on how to become involved in research given by faculty, students, and alumni from the Departments of Biological Science and Chemistry & Biochemistry.
April 15, 2014: BURST and SUCCESS sponsored the Careers in Biology Symposium, where five CSUF alumni returned to discuss life with a Biology degree. After short presentations by speakers and a question-and-answer session with the panel, undergraduate attendees were able to speak one-on-one with alumni.

Feedback from students who attended the Careers in Biology Symposium:
“Seeing everyone being very positive about their futures makes me more motivated to build mine.”
“I learned that your exact concentration of your major doesn’t have to exactly match the field you pursue, which is something I’ve been worried about.”
[The most valuable part of the evening was] “hearing how others have these great jobs that I could also obtain.”
Interested in attending a BURST event? Watch the BURST Facebook page for announcements & information!
BURST supports student attendance at disciplinary conferences!
Nov 23, 2013: BURST sponsored eight undergraduates and two Biology faculty mentors as they attended the Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research at Whittier College.
Jan 3 – 8, 2014: BURST sponsored three undergraduates and two Biology faculty mentors as they attended the national meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology conference in Austin, TX.

Apr 12, 2014: BURST sponsored two undergraduates and Biology faculty mentors as they attended the West Coast Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference at Azusa Pacific University.
Feedback from students who attended conferences through the BURST program:
“ Understanding and keeping up to date with what is happening in the world of science around you is key to becoming a good scientist…I was…able to spend a considerable amount of time networking with researchers, editors, and educators which is a skill any budding scientist should focus on perfecting, as collaboration in the sciences is essential.”
“ I enjoyed learning about organisms and systems I wouldn't normally focus on as this meeting was open to a broad scientific audience.”
“I was surprised at how big this conference was and at how many attendees there were. I did not expect to see so many different scientists, students, and professors that had come from all over the world present at the conference. ”
“This conference made me realize the endless possibilities for a master thesis and possible collaborations with other professors.”

Interested in attending a disciplinary conference? Watch the BURST Facebook page for announcements about the program in the 2014-2015 academic year!