Kathryn A. Dickson

Contact Information

Office: MH 282B

Phone: 657-278-3614

Email: kdickson@fullerton.edu

Kathryn A. Dickson



PhD, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego

BA, Connecticut College

Research Areas

Locomotion and endothermy in fishes, comparative physiology and biochemistry


Courses Regularly Taught

Principles of Physiology and Ecology, Mammalian Physiology, Comparative Animal Physiology


Dickson, K. A., Donley, Jeanine M., Hansen, Michael W., and Peters, Jennifer Hoskinson. 2012. Maximum sustainable speed, energetics, and swimming kinematics of a tropical carangid fish, the green jack (Caranx caballus). Journal of Fish Biology 80:2494-2516


Dickson, K. A. 2011. Physiology of Tuna, Chapter 97 In: Farrell A.P. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology: From Genome to Environment, volume 3, pp. 1903-1913. San Diego: Academic Press.


Runcie, Rosa M., Heidi Dewar, Donald Hawn, Lawrence R. Frank, and Kathryn A. Dickson. 2009. Evidence for cranial endothermy in the opah (Lampris guttatus). Journal of Experimental Biology 212:461-470.


Sepulveda, C. S., K. A. Dickson, D. Bernal, and J. B. Graham. 2008. Elevated red myotomal muscle temperatures in the most basal tuna species, Allothunnus fallai. J. Fish Biology 73:241–249.


Sepulveda, C. S., K. A. Dickson, L. Frank, and J. B. Graham. 2007. Cranial endothermy and a putative brain heater in the most basal tuna species, Allothunnus fallai. J. Fish Biology 70:1720–1733.