

Administration, Library, & Athletics
Katina Napper

Arnold Holland

Business & Economics
Zvi Drezner
Mahamood Hassan
John Erickson

Lynda Randall
Lisa Kirtman

Engineering & CS
Demitrios Michalopoulos

Joanne Gass

Natural Sciences & Math
Vuryl Klassen
Scott Hewitt

Social Sciences
Jonathan Taylor
Nancy Fitch

Student Affairs
Sandra Rhoten

Part-time Faculty
Jerome S. Arkenberg
Charles H. Schroeder

At- Large

Mougo Nyaggah
Melinda Pierson
Stephan R. Walk
Jarret S. Lovell
Amir Dabirian
Ellen Junn
John Bock
Keith H. Wanser

David Fromson

John D. Liverpool
John W. Bedell

Faculty Research Committee

Maqsood Chaudhry

Ruth Yopp-Edwards
Fred Ramirez

Renae Bredin

Social Sciences
Melinda Blackman

Suellen Cox

Faculty Personnel Committee

Larry Ward

Helen Domon

Social Sciences
Richard Lippa

Professional Leaves Committee

Bin Cong

David Drath

Social Sciences
William Haddad

Susan Tschabrun


Constituency Candidates
Administration, Library, & Athletics

Katina Napper
Katina Napper
Representation and having a voice are very important to me. After working for The United States Senate for a couple of years as a Legislative Aid and in my current position in Faculty Affairs, I find that these two things are important to most people. Be represented. Have a voice.

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College of Arts


Arnold Holland - No Statement

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College of Business & Economics
Zvi Drezner - No Statement
Mahamood Hassan - No Statement
John Erickson - No Statement
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College of Education
Lynda Randall
Lynda RandallI have served actively on the Academic Senate for the past three years. Last year I was instrumental in supporting the College of Education reorganization. This year I'm advocating for streamlining the RTP process and eliminating the periodic review. If re-elected, I will seek nomination to the Senate Executive Committee.
Lisa Kirtman
My research and Ph.D. in Educational Policy fuel my interests in faculty governance and equip me with the skills to address complex governance issues. As an assistant professor, I look forward to bringing junior faculty perspectives to the senate and eagerly anticipate representing the voice of the College of Education.
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College of Engineering & Computer Science
Demitrios Michalopoulos - No Statement
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College of Humanities
Joanne Gass - No Statement
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College of Natural Science and Mathematics
Vuryl Klassen - No Statement
Scott Hewitt
Scott Hewitt I have served two terms on the Academic Senate and have enjoyed working toward common goals as well as taking a stand when I am in the minority. I will continue to request feedback from you on important issues and provide you with important information.
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College of Social Sciences
Jonathan Taylor

Jonathan Taylor
My immediate focus on serving in the senate will be to tackle the issue of salary equity.  I've already played a key role in bringing this topic up for debate in the Senate, and if elected will continue to pressure the administration to find a solution to this problem.


Nancy Fitch - No Statement
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Student Affairs
Sandra Rhoten
Sandra RhotenI have had the privilege of serving as your representative on the Academic Senate for the past four years and would appreciate your vote. I currently serve on the Student Academic Life Committee. I would continue to do my best to represent the interests of all members of the academic community.
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Part-Time Faculty
Jerome S. Arkenberg
Jerome S. Arkenberg As your senator, I've worked hard to preserve our jobs, our library access and improve our working conditions. I've made our voice heard loud and clear . It's been a long, hard struggle: let's keep it going! I ask you to reelect me to achieve great things for us all. This is our chance!
Charles Schroeder
Charles Schroeder I sponsored an amendment to UPS 271 which expanded rights of part-time faculty. Also initiated a change to Senate by-laws enabling part-timers to vote on Statements of Opinions on significant University issues. This is the first time you have been allowed to express your views in this forum so be sure to vote on it.
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At-Large Candidates
Mougo Nyaggah
I am asking for your support as I believe I am well qualified and have experience in Department and University Committees; CFA Chapter Vice-President; lobbying State legislators for more CSU funding for better contract, maintaining student accessibility and more instruction.
Melinda Pierson
Melinda Pierson Having been in the CSU system for six years, I have gained an appreciation for issues that impact junior faculty as well as concerns of senior faculty. The over-riding issues of salary parity for junior faculty and the lack of cost of living increase for senior faculty is my primary concern.
Stephan R. Walk - No Statement
Jarret S. Lovell
Jarret S. LovellJunior faculty are grossly under-represented on the Academic Senate.  It's time to take the Senate seriously and elect a Senator who will represent junior faculty on such important issues as promotion, retention, tenure, and educational standards.  We are the future of CSUF; let's claim “our” seat at the legislative table.
Amir Dabirian
Amir DabirianI am eager to bring my  enthusiasm, energy and  experience at CSUF to the Senate.  Teaching courses in ISDS, Computer Science and UEE for 20 years gives a unique perspective to my current roles in CMS and IT leadership and enhances my ability to address faculty and administrative concerns.
Ellen Junn
Ellen JunnDear colleagues, I have been honored to serve on the Senate almost ten years since 1995, most recently as Secretary.  I have worked in many positions on campus and believe in participating actively in campus governance. I care deeply about this institution, and will work to make our campus stronger!
John Bock
John Bock As a member of the Academic Senate I will effectively advocate for the interests of the faculty. Major issues are confronting the university regarding the equitable allocation of resources, workload, and salary compression. I will engage my fellow senators and faculty members to work towards solutions in a collegial fashion.
Keith H. Wanser
Keith H. Wanser Too many Senate seats have become occupied by administrators, who often run for the at-large seats (3 in the present election).  Administrators serve at the pleasure of the president, causing a conflict when voting their conscience contrary to the president's.  I pledge to represent faculty concerns. Please vote for faculty.
David Fromson
David FromsonI believe that I have the long time campus experience and involvement that enables me to make good, thoughtful decisions. For each issue that is considered by the Academic Senate, I inform myself by careful reading and collegial discussions. Furthermore, my extensive involvement in curricular matters serves me well.
John Douglas Liverpool
John Douglas LiverpoolI believe the Academic Senate plays a crucial role in preserving quality education for our students and promoting beneficial working conditions for the faculty. Given the current budgetary circumstances, I think the Academic Senate needs to forcefully address these issues and that would be my agenda in serving if elected.
John (Jack) W. Bedell
John (Jack) W. BedellStrong Senates ensure viewpoints are heard and respected.  Faculty are part of a community providing instruction and continuity.  The Senate is the place where all constituencies meet to recommend academic policy and discuss “quality of life” issues.  I provide a strong voice.  I am 11 th on the at-large ballot.  Please scroll down until you find Bedell.
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