Candidates: Constituencies Administration,
Library, & Athletics Arts
& Economics ECS HDCS Humanities Natural
Sciences & Math Part-time
Faculty Social
Sciences Student
Services Faculty Research Committee Business
& Economics Faculty Personnel Committee Arts Professional Leaves Committee Arts
My career demonstrates the high regard in which I hold the Senate: I chaired it twice, and served for ten years on the Statewide Senate. My current duties in Academic Programs -- graduate & international programs, and many other topics -- keep the Senates work central to my concerns. |
Zvi Drezner |
Zvi Drezner has been the chair of the CBE Senate twice (2000 and 2003), chaired the CBE Executive Committee (twice), chaired the CBE Instruction Committee and CBE Graduate Committee, has been a member of CBE Budget Committee, Chaired twice the CBE Dean Selection Committee (recommended E. Smith and A. Puri to the President), has been a member of the Academic Senate, and served on numerous other committees. He excels in teaching and research and won the CBE Outstanding Professor for his accomplishments. |
Robert A. Emry |
My experiences at CSUF provide me with a university-wide perspective appropriate for an at-large seat. I have held 10 university-wide positions and three with multiple unit responsibilities; and have chaired many and served on most university and academic senate committees and boards. Please support me. Thanks
Jane V. Hall |
I ask for your vote for two reasons: these are difficult times, and I can make a difference. Enrollment pressure and the catastrophic state budget require tough and intelligent choices. I will bring years of experience in campus governance and a focus on collegial problem solving to the conversations ahead.
Perry E. Jacobson - No Statement |
Jesa Kreiner |
Presently serving as professor/chair of the Division of Engineering. I would bring to Academic Senate my extensive leadership experience and a sense of urgency of dealing with the problems which are facing us with rapidly declining budgets. Our priorities must focus on both quality of education provided and working conditions.
John Douglas Liverpool |
I have served CSU Fullerton the last fifteen years as Unit Three Counselor Faculty. I believe the Academic Senate plays a crucial role, especially under current horrific budgetary circumstances, in preserving quality education for our students and promoting beneficial working conditions for faculty. |
Gustavo Vargas |
education is a fundamental right and an imperative for the advancement
of a diverse society like California, providing all of its members with
fair access and opportunity for success, and society itself with the resources
it needs. Sensitivity, tolerance, commitment and competence must all be
exercised to this end.
Library, & Athletics
of Arts
Vance D. Wolverton - No Statement | |||||
of Business
& Economics
John Erickson - No Statement | |||||
Morteza Rahmatian - No Statement | |||||
College of Engineering & Computer Science |
Demetri Michalopoulos - No Statement | |||||
Chandrasekhar Putcha - No Statement | |||||
of Human Development
& Community Service
Lynda Randall | |||||
Two main areas of focus in this year's academic senate agenda have been managing growth and coping with budget cuts. My particular interest as a senator is to provide input on how we might eventually streamline the personnel process so as to make it more manageable and less cumbersome.
Patricia A. Szeszulski - No Statement | |||||
of Humanities
Joanne Gass - No Statement | |||||
of Natural Science
and Mathematics
Vuryl Klassen - No Statement | |||||
Jerome S. Arkenberg | |||||
In my first year on the Academic Senate, I've worked hard to achieve both job opportunities for part-timers, and for better working conditions via UPS 271: adequate office space; roll-out computers; telephones; listings in the Catalog, Class Schedule, & Phone Directory; participatory and voting rights; professional treatment; and early notification of class assignments. I ask for your vote to continue representing your interests, and to complete the revision of UPS 271. This is our chance! I humbly ask for your vote. |
Charles H. Schroeder | |||||
Recently I introduced a modification to UPS 271, Part-time Faculty Rights. The Executive and Faculty Affairs Committees are reviewing this before presentation to the full Senate. These improvements pertain to more timely notice of schedule plans, but much more importantly, changes to promote greater professional and collegial treatment of part-timers.
Charles F. Juster - No Statement | |||||
Rhonda Allen | |||||
I am a forward thinker, who is highly skilled and intellectually energized to serve in the Senate. I will encourage and participate in meaningful debate, while representing my Social Science Constituency to the best of my ability.
I am vitally interested in maintaining effective lines of communication and engagement on campus. I am deeply committed to hands-on participation in our campus culture and to contributing fully to the excellence of our professional and learning environment.
Nancy Fitch - No Statement | |||||
Sandra Rhoten | |||||
I've had
the privilege of serving as your representative on the Academic Senate
for the past two years and would appreciate your vote. I have extensive
experience with policy formation and implementation. I will represent
the interests of not only staff in student services but those of the broader