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Human Resources

Scholarship Opportunities

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The First in Family Scholarship application period has ended.

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First-in-Family Scholarship

One $1,500 scholarship will be awarded to non-graduating CSUF students. Preference will be given to students who are entering their second year of college and are the first in their immediate families to go to college.

 Scholarship Criteria

2.5 GPA
Community and/or campus involvement.
Scholastic and/or personal achievement.
Enrolled in a minimum of 6 units.
Currently an employee of Auxiliary Services Corporation.

Application Start Date: 8/26/24
Application Deadline: 10/31/24
Number of Awards: 1
Maximum Amount: $1,500

Please note that late applications will not be accepted.

The application window has expired.

Questions? Please contact Bertha Leon at 657.278.4120 or .

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Recipient of the First-in-Family Scholarship

Congratulations to Nithish Losrawar on receiving the 2024 scholarship!

Nithish receives a check worth $1,500 from ASC Executive Director Charles Kissel

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