ASC Officers
Headshot of Theresa Harvey
Theresa Harvey
(2022 - 24)
Headshot of Chuck Kissel
Chuck Kissel
Executive Director & CEO

Headshot of Rosalina Davis
Rosalina Davis
(2022 - 24)
Alexander Porter
Alexander Porter


ASC Board of Directors
Noah Alvarez
Noah Alvarez
(Term exp. 05/31/25)

Headshot of Ted Bremner
Ted Bremner
Community Director
Headshot of Joseph Carlin
Joseph Carlin
Geological Sciences
Headshot of Amir Dabirian
Amir Dabirian
Provost & VP,
Academic Affairs (interim)
Headshot of David Forgues
David Forgues
VP, Student Affairs
Arnold Holland
Arnold Holland
Dean, College of Arts
Matthew Jarvis
Matthew Jarvis
Chair, Academic Senate

Joe Morales
Joe Morales
ASI President

Ronald Rochon
Ronald Rochon
CSUF President

Headshot of Teresa Saldivar
Teresa Saldivar
Community Director

Picture of Carolina Valdez
Carolina Valdez
Prof, Elem & Bilingual Ed




 The CSUF Auxiliary Services Corporation (ASC) is a non-profit public corporation that was incorporated in 1959 for the purpose of promoting and assisting the educational mission of Cal State Fullerton.