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Tutoring and Academic Assistance

Graduate Studies

The Office of Graduate Studies provides an array of services for graduate students, including workshops on academic skills and success, such as writing tips, critical thinking, time management, reading for meaning, thesis and dissertation, working with a faculty mentor, and others. The office also runs the Graduate Studies Center  which offers study space, writing appointments, private study room reservations, workshops and events.

GRADUATE STUDIES WEBSITE opens in a new window

Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental Instruction is an academic assistance program that provides weekly, peer-led group study sessions for students taking bottleneck, key gateway, or historically difficult courses – those with low pass and/or high withdrawal rates. SI is attached to a subject or course to provide students with a systematic and disciplined approach for processing the subject material assigned by the professor.

SI WEBSITE opens in a new window

Pollak Library

The Pollak Library provides extensive services and assistance to both the on-campus and off-campus CSUF community, as well as to visiting students and scholars, and to the public.

Services for students include: research assistance, subject consultations, research and journal databases, and more.

POLLAK LIBRARY WEBSITE opens in a new window

University Learning Center

The goal of the University Learning Center provides undergraduate students with academic support that is consistent with their learning styles in an inviting and contemporary environment. Its focus is the undergraduate 100 & 200 level high-impact, bottleneck General Education courses.

ULC WEBSITE opens in a new window

Writing Center

The Writing Center promotes a nurturing environment that cultivates the growth and creativity of all undergraduate students, providing them with a place in which they can develop their skills as better writers and critical thinkers.

WRITING CENTER WEBSITE opens in a new window

University Catalog

CSUF's interactive, fully online catalog contains a number of features to assist you, including advanced search options, user-friendly navigation and a personal portfolio to store favorite programs and courses.

UNIVERSITY CATALOG opens in a new window