Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Who do I go to for help?
A. Account related questions should be directed to your divisional administrator or the IT helpdesk ( For questions related to training, support, survey creation and design, please call 1-800-340-9194 or visit the Qualtrics support site
Q. I need help migrating my account.
A. For assistance migrating your account, please contact Qualtrics support at 1-800-340-9194 or visit the Qualtrics support site
Q. I am a Non csufedu users who already have Qualtrics accounts: (fulertonhumsoc, cusfullertonpsych, hrfullerton) and need to migrate my account but I forgot my username.
A. Your username is most likely your email address.
Q. What is my username (Qualtrics support may ask)?
A. After migrating to the Fullerton brand, your username is your campus (i.e. or"
Q. How do I create a new account?
A. Go to Fullerton's Qualtrics site, login with your Fullerton account, and follow the setup to create a new account.
Q. How do I request a new division?
A. Email to have a new division created.
Q. Can I be a divisional administrator for more than one division?
A. No, a person is limited to the role of administrator for only one division. If you become a divisional administrator of a new division your account will be removed from the other division
Q. I am a divisional administrator and someone in my division is requesting to be moved to another division.
A. Only the Fullerton brand administrator can move people between divisions. Have them contact
Q. Can I belong to more than one division?
A. No, you can only belong to one division at a time.
Q. I have just transferred to a new division and need my current account moved over.
A. Email to have your account and surveys moved over.
Q. How can I find out who my divisional administrator is?
A. Email to find out the name of your Qualtrics division administrator
Q. Can I create a Qualtrics account using a non CSU Fullerton email account?
A. No, only campus employees with a valid CSU Fullerton email account can create a Qualtrics account with the University
Q. What happens to my access and surveys if I leave the University?
A. Once your University username and password expire, you won't be able to log in. You will need to create a new account directly with Qualtrics. Qualtrics support will migrate your surveys. You can contact Qualtrics support at 1-800-340-9194 or visit the Qualtrics support site
Q. I've collaborated a survey with someone else at the school, and the survey isn't in their account.
A. The other person needs to refresh their account. To do this, click on their name in the top right corner and click refresh account.
Q. How can I make sure that only people at school take my survey?
A. In the survey flow, add an authenticator element, and set the type to SSO. See Authenticator support page.
Q. Can I change my reply to address in the Qualtrics emailer?
A. By default it will be the email address in the Qualtrics account, which is imported from the university server. You can change it to any email with a valid domain:,, Contact the IT Help Desk ( to request an email address change.
Q. How do I collaborate (e.g. share my survey) with someone not affiliated to the campus?
A. You can share surveys by adding the email account of the individual(s). A share code will be sent (emailed) to the individual(s) which then they will need to enter their account in order to accept the shared survey. They will prompted to create a new account if one does not already exist.
Q. How do I transfer ownership of a survey?
A. Only divisional administrators can transfer survey ownership. Please contact your administrator.
Q. I currently share my account with multiple people. How will I now be able to provide access and not have to share my CSU Fullerton account information?
A. The best way is for each person to create their own accounts and then use the collaborate feature in Qualtrics to share surveys, panels, and libraries. Alternatively, once after the account is migrated to a CSU Fullerton Qualtrics account the individuals sharing the account will have to log directly into Qualtrics
and use the new account and the existing password on the account.
Q. Can I create a shared account for a department?
A. No, each new account created must a valid campus username and password. One option is to create a new division for the department and add users. If a new division is not needed the second option is an administrator can create a group and managing the group stays with the administrator who created the group.
Q. Where can I go for more information?
A. Visit the Qualtrics FAQ site
Q. How do I import surveys from another survey tool (e.g. SurveyMonkey)?
A. Qualtrics supports text files (.TXT) and their native .QSF file types. They recommend if you are creating surveys yourself or bringing a survey in from another survey platform, it is quicker and easier to simply recreate it in Qualtrics. Visit their help
page for more information.