Campus Calendar Names

Following are the unique names for each of the campus calendars available for display on your site.

Creating Calendar Widgets

In order to have calendar data appear within your web pages you need to create a widget.  You will need to have the name of the calendar in order to get the events.  There are two widget types you can create.

  • 25Live widgets - you only need the calendar name, and cannot modify look/feel of the widget.
  • RSS/XML - format the url as show below. You can control look, length, and date range of the events through the widget setup.
  • There are two versions of the 25live URL you can use. 
    • basic use:<calendar-name>.xml 
    • advanced:<calendar-name>.rss?xcal=1
      [advanced data will allow you to show additional features on the event full display that provide features so end users can add events to their own calendars and request change notifications]
    • Both calendars require that you replace <calendar-name> with one of the names found below. 
      There are no spaces in calendar names.

 Read through Widget Setup & Display for full details.

  • 25Live Calendar Names

  • csuf-all-events
  • csuf-academic-calendar
  • csuf-academic-programs
  • csuf-ap-academic-advisement-center
  • csuf-ap-first-year-experience
  • csuf-ap-graduate-studies
  • csuf-ap-health-professions-advising
  • csuf-ap-ugrd-studies-general-education
  • csuf-ap-university-honors-program
  • csuf-ap-writing-across-curriculum
  • csuf-alumni-calendar
  • csuf-assessment-inst-eff
  • csuf-athletics-baseballcsuf-assessment-inst-eff
  • csuf-athletics-basketball-men
  • csuf-athletics-basketball-women
  • csuf-athletics-cross-country
  • csuf-athletics-golf-men
  • csuf-athletics-golf-women
  • csuf-athletics-main
  • csuf-athletics-soccer-men
  • csuf-athletics-soccer-women
  • csuf-athletics-softball
  • csuf-athletics-tennis-women
  • csuf-athletics-track-and-field
  • csuf-athletics-volleyball-women
  • csuf-capital-projects-facilities-mgmt
  • csuf-cbe-career-services
  • csuf-cbe-graduate-programs
  • csuf-cbe-student-events
  • csuf-college-of-business-and-economics
  • csuf-college-of-com
  • csuf-college-of-edu
  • csuf-college-of-ecs
  • csuf-college-of-hhd
  • csuf-college-of-hss
  • csuf-college-of-nsm
  • csuf-college-of-nsm-astphys
  • csuf-college-of-nsm-biol
  • csuf-college-of-nsm-chem
  • csuf-college-of-nsm-geol
  • csuf-college-of-nsm-math
  • csuf-contracts-procurement
  • csuf-cota
  • csuf-cota-dance
  • csuf-cota-music
  • csuf-cota-theatre
  • csuf-cota-visual-arts
  • csuf-educational-leadership
  • csuf-exhibits
  • csuf-extension-international-programs
  • csuf-faculty-and-staff
  • csuf-fdc
  • csuf-hrdi-engagement-learning
  • csuf-international-programs
  • csuf-irvine-center
  • csuf-office-of-the-president
  • csuf-olli
  • csuf-parking-transportation
  • csuf-pollak-library
  • csuf-pollak-library-exhibits
  • csuf-resource-planning-budget
  • csuf-student-affairs
  • csuf-sa-associated-students-inc
  • csuf-sa-university-learning-center
  • csuf-student-calendar
  • csuf-student-wellness
  • csuf-titan-shops
  • csuf-ua-parent-family-relations