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Student Opinion Questionnaires (SOQ)


Surveys are administered for credit-bearing courses with three or more enrolled students. Responses are anonymous and confidential. These reports are used in personnel evaluations and provide faculty with information to improve their instruction.

SOQs are administered digitally during the 12th and 14th weeks of instruction each fall and spring semester. 

Approval of new or revised SOQ forms is governed by UPS 220.000. The approval process is summarized in our checklist.


  • Fall 2024 SOQ reports are now available.  They can be accessed through your Blue Dashboard (refer to email sent from

SOQ administration in Explorance Blue

The FAR Office and AA-IT has implemented a new online course evaluation system, Explorance Blue, which was piloted in Summer 2024 with a full campus deployment in Fall 2024.  With this new system, faculty will experience a new SOQ interface, Canvas integration, an improved response rate display, as well as additional features to help drive response rates.  

Contact Information


Primary Contact: Nicole Calucag
Phone: (657) 278-8003
Hours of Operation: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m, Monday-Friday


Frequently Asked Questions

When are SOQs administered?

In a semester long course, SOQs are made available from the week 12 through week 14 of instruction (3 week duration)

How can faculty view their response rates?

Currently, faculty can view their live response rates via the link in Canvas Global Announcements.  After the launch of Explorance Blue, response rates can be viewed in the Canvas 'SOQ' link in the left-hand navigation menu; guides linked here.

How can faculty increase their response rates?

Per the UPS, instructors may allocate instructional time for students to complete their SOQs.  Instructors may also offer encouragements to the entire class based on course response rate, as specified in the course syllabus.

Where can faculty access their SOQ reports?

Faculty can access their reports:
- Through the Faculty Student Success Dashboard (FSSD); instructions linked here
- After the launch of Explorance Blue, reports (beginning with Summer 2024 data) will also be accessible in the Canvas 'SOQ' link in the left-hand navigation menu.

What if there's a blank page or error when trying to access reports in FSSD?

Please clear your cache, close your browser and try again.  If you are still encountering issues, please contact

Where can Chairs and Deans view department SOQ reports?

Reports can be accessed in the Portal via ‘My Workplace (New)’; instructions linked here.
If you cannot see the ‘SOQ’ folder in ‘My Workplace (New)’, please contact so permissions can be granted. 

Can departments dispose of paper SOQ forms?

Please contact the FAR Office for guidance on disposing of completed paper SOQ forms. Note that all paper surveys administered from Fall 2008 to present are available digitally in the Faculty Student Success Dashboard. 

SOQ Blank Forms in RTP Evaluation

This page contains the blank SOQ forms currently utilized by all departments on campus.

Download Instructions

The forms below are arranged by college. Choose your college from the dropdown menu below and click on your department. For departments that only utilize a single SOQ form, click the name of the department to start the download. For departments that use more than one form, the types are listed in sub-bullets under department names. Click the form type(s) relevant to your portfolio to initiate downloads.