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Steps to Apply

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Requesting accommodations from Disability Support Services (DSS) is a three-step process:

Step 1: Submit a DSS Application for Accommodations

The first part of this process is to self-identify as a student with a disability requesting accommodations.

If a student with a disability believes they need an accommodation, it is the student’s responsibility to identify themselves as having a disability and make an accommodation request.

*Note: Please log-in with your CSUF username and password to complete and submit the DSS Application for Academic Accommodations.


Step 2: Provide supporting information or documentation

Sources of information used for determining a disability and/or accommodations may include student’s self-report, direct observations and interactions with the student, and/or documentation from qualified evaluators or professionals.

Adequate documentation may include:

  • The student’s thorough self-report regarding how they may be “limited by impairment.” A student’s narrative of his or her experience of disability, barriers, and effective and ineffective accommodations may be sufficient for establishing disability and a need for accommodation.
  • The Disability Verification Form completed by your medical provider or licensed mental health provider.
  • Psychoeducational Report or Learning Disability assessment conducted by a certified professional (preferably within the last 5 years).
  • Disability verifying documentation from a licensed medical provider that identifies your diagnosis, onset of disability, and functional limitations.
  • An IEP or 504 plans may be submitted for review. However, it may not have all the information needed to provide services.

Please review our General Disability Documentation Guidelines for more information about our disability documentation standards.

DSS recognizes that barriers can exist and create hardship in acquiring and/or submitting disability documentation. Please do not delay applying and meeting with us out of concern for not having disability documentation.


Step 3: Attend DSS New Student Appointment

Once we review your application and documentation, DSS will email you instructions to schedule a New Student Appointment to discuss accommodations. New Student appointment options include face-to-face, phone, and Zoom.

The New Student Appointment is an interactive process between the student and a Disability Management Specialist to discuss functional limitations due to your disability, any barriers students experience in the educational environment, and any accommodations necessary to provide equitable access.

Once accommodations are determined, you will be instructed to activate your accommodations each semester through the DSS online portal (Titanable) by sending Course Accommodation Letters to your professors.

*Note: Keep in contact with your Disability Management Specialist to discuss any challenges or concerns that you may have, learn about campus/community resources, and receive referrals.

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