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Jobs & Internships

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As a CSUF student, the Career Center offers various resources and strategies to help you through your job and/or internship search.

Avoiding Scams: General Tips for Students

Although all information submitted by employers is reviewed before approval, we cannot guarantee that all information is accurate or truthful. When using Titan Connection it is very important that you educate yourself about potential scams. Some indications that a position may be fraudulent are:

·         The promise of a large salary for very little work -- especially those that state thousands of dollars of income per month with little or no experience required.

·         Positions that ask you to give credit card, bank account numbers, personal identification numbers (e.g. Social Security Number) or copies of personal documents.

·         Positions that ask you to mail or transfer payments (e.g. Wire or bank transfers, mailing checks or using an app such as Venmo or CashApp).

·         Positions that require you to purchase and mail items (e.g. Gift cards, phones or other items of value).  

·         Positions in which you are offered a large payment or reward in exchange for allowing the use of your bank account -- often for depositing checks or transferring money.

If you suspect a position is fraudulent, please contact the CSUF Career Center or Center for Internships & Community Engagement. If you believe you are the victim of fraud resulting from a job listing, please contact local police as well.


Select the resources below to see which companies are hiring now!

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Jobs & Internships on Titan Connection

Titan Connection is your one-stop shop to search for opportunities including:

  • Full-Time and Part-Time Employment
  • Internships (Academic & Paid)
  • Volunteer/ Service-Learning Opportunities
  • Upload your resume(s) and cover letter(s)
  • Create a new resume using Titan Resume Builder
  • Search for employers of your interest
  • Register for events and workshops

Titan Connection Jobs & Internships

Social Media for Job Search

More people are hired by referrals than all Internet sources combined. Social networking tools are an excellent way to begin your networking.

Additionally, recruiters are increasingly using social media to identify and engage potential candidates for their opportunities. Tools like LinkedIn can help get you noticed, and you want to utilize them well to make a good impression.


Tips for a Positive Social Media Footprint:

  1. Never post anything that you might find embarrassing later.
    • Would you want your grandparents to see this?
  2. Be careful what you post…others will judge you based on your online content.
    • Grammar and spelling counts, even if you are talking with your friends.
  3. Update Privacy Settings and check it out once a month.
  4. Update your preferences so people cannot tag you without your permission.
  5. Allow everyone to view your work & education.
  6. DO NOT disclose personal information.
  7. Do not post things to bully or insult anyone.
  8. Once online, it is almost always impossible to remove.


Did you know:

  • LinkedIn is a Professional networking social media site that has over 770 million registered users around the world.
  • Over 127,000+ registered LinkedIn users list California State University, Fullerton in their school profile.
  • Recruiters and hiring managers are increasingly using social media, especially LinkedIn, to identify prospective employees for professional positions. 

Need a photo for your LinkedIn profile? Get a professional headshot taken in 10 minutes or less with our headshot photo booth! Schedule an appointment here:  Headshot Photo Booth Appointment


Additional Resources

For more information on utilizing LinkedIn you can check out our Career Center workshops, or  Schedule an appointment with your Career Specialist. 

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