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Career Assessments

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Career Assessments

Assessments are tools that identify various areas including interests, values, skills and personality. Through this process students can begin to explore majors, jobs and career choices that are most appropriate for them. 

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Free Assessments

Free assessments can help you discover more about yourself for career and major exploration.

Please note: You will be leaving the Career Center website. The Career Center cannot verify the accuracy of these assessments.

Strong Interest Inventory

The Strong Interest Inventory is an assessment that will help students match their interests with potential majors and careers. 

  • Assesses interests, revealing patterns
  • Shows how interest patterns relate to occupations

To Take the Strong Interest Inventory

  1. Schedule your Career Exploration Appointment with Career Specialist with a Career Specialist.
  2. Take the Online Assessment(s).
    • The Career Center will provide you with a link to the Assessment via email after you have completed your pre-assessment appointment.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

The MBTI is an assessment that can provide insight into how your personality compares to others and your work preferences. Research shows that personality traits play a major role in job satisfaction and success. 

  • Assesses personality
  • Helps to better understand the relationship between preferences and an ideal work environment

 To Take the MBTI

  1. Schedule your Career Exploration Appointment with Career Specialist with a Career Development Specialist.
  2. Take the Online Assessment(s).
    • The Career Center will provide you with a link to the Assessment via email after you have completed your pre-assessment appointment.
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