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What CAPS Has to Offer

CAPS offers a variety of counseling services to help students adjust to college life, cope with personal challenges, gain self-awareness, and address psychological concerns. Students may meet with a counselor for an initial screening and evaluation to determine how the student’s mental health needs can best be met.

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Students with presenting issues that are best addressed at CAPS can participate in brief individual, couples, or group counseling. Concerns frequently addressed in brief counseling at CAPS include stress management, depression, anxiety, self-esteem, body image, concerns related to cultural background or identity, and concerns about family, romantic, or interpersonal relationships. If it is determined that the student’s needs will best be met by another agency, the counselor will provide the student with appropriate referrals or resources.

CAPS also offers psychiatric services (if a counselor determines that a psychiatric evaluation is warranted) and crisis counseling to assist with emergencies or serious crises related to psychological concerns.

CAPS Services Flyer

Mental Health Self-Screening

If you're not quite sure where to start or what you might need, we encourage you to read about and take a quick and easy self-screener for mental health. This will help you to assess multiple life domains and help you to know what to address, whether it be in individual therapy, drop-in support groups, through self-help books, YOU@Fullerton, or any of our other resources!

Learn More & Take the Screener

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CAPS offers many different services , including psychological assessments, individual counseling, group counseling, crisis intervention, and psychiatric services. To see if you are eligible for CAPS Services, please find which scenario fits your current situation best:

Currently Enrolled Full and Part -Time Students

The mandatory Student Health Fee (SHF) paid by students each semester includes CAPS services. There are no additional fees for services.

Extended Education Students Enrolled in Open University

  • These students are eligible if they have paid the Student Health Fee, or if they have bought a Titan Health card for the semester.
  • Eligibility Over the Summer:If enrolled: The mandatory Student Health Fee (SHF) includes CAPS services. There are no additional fees for services.
  • If not enrolled, but enrolled in the upcoming Fall semester: Students can be eligible if they pay the summer Student Health Fee. Please contact us at (657) 278-3040 to verify the amount.
  • Students Who Have Withdrawn from the Semester or are Not Enrolled: Not eligible for services. Please visit this page for a robust list of off-campus mental health options.
  • Students Who Have Graduated: Not eligible for services. Please visit this page for a robust list of off-campus mental health options.

Session Limits

CAPS uses a brief therapy model for individual and couples counseling, focusing on goals established collaboratively between counselor and client(s). Many students are helped in just a few individual sessions. In fact, on average, students are seen at CAPS for between 4-6 sessions.

Ongoing Group Therapy and Drop-In support Groups are also offered, and there is no limit on the number of group sessions a student may have!


For students in need of longer-term therapy, intensive treatment, or specialized assessment/treatment, CAPS staff will work with students to find providers to help meet their needs. Sometimes this involves a referral to Case Management, discusing how to access resources through health insurance plans, or gathering referrals to community mental health providers. Please see this page for a robust list of off-campus providers.


Mental Health Massage Program Eligibility

Students must meet the general eligibility criteria for accessing services within Student Wellness.

Additional Mental Health Massage Program (MHMP) Eligibility Criteria

1. Students must be 18 years or older.

2. Students must be formally referred to the MHMP program by their current CAPS therapist. Students may not self-refer to the MHMP.

3. Students must be a current psychotherapy client and remain in an active psychotherapy relationship with their CAPS therapy provider.

4. Students must meet specific mental health and diagnostic and symptom criteria as determined by their CAPS therapist.

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Our Services

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